
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 * Copyright (c) 2006 by Kirill Kolodyazhniy.
00003 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
00004 * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
00005 */
00007 #ifndef M_WIDGET_H
00008 #define M_WIDGET_H
00010 namespace MWidgets
00011 {
00013         enum WIDGET_TYPE
00014         {
00015                 WINDOW,
00016                 DOCKWINDOW,
00017                 DIALOG,
00018                 GROUPBOX,
00019                 LABEL,
00020                 TEXTBOX,
00021                 BUTTON,
00022                 CHECKBOX,
00023                 RADIOBUTTON,
00024                 COMBOBOX,
00025                 STATUSBAR,
00026                 GRID
00027         };      
00028         class ContextMenu;
00030         class Widget
00031         {
00032         protected:
00033                 HWND m_hWnd; 
00034                 HINSTANCE m_hInstance; 
00035                 WNDPROC  m_prevWndProc; 
00036                 HMENU m_hContextMenu;
00037                 std::map<std::string,UINT> m_mapHotKeyIds;
00038                 std::map<UINT,BaseEventHandler*> m_mapHotKeyHendles;
00040         protected:
00042                 BaseEventHandler *m_pOnCreateHandler;
00044                 BaseEventHandler *m_pOnLButtonDownHandler;
00046                 BaseEventHandler *m_pOnRButtonDownHandler;
00048                 BaseEventHandler *m_pOnSizeHandler;
00049         protected:
00050                 friend class ContextMenu;
00053                 virtual LRESULT OnMessage (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
00056                 virtual void OnCommand( WORD code,WORD  id);
00059                 static Widget *GetObjectFromHwnd(HWND hWnd);
00063                 static BOOL CALLBACK DestroyChildProc(HWND hwnd,LPARAM lParam);
00067                 void ProcessMenu(WORD id);
00070                 void ProcessAccelerators(WORD id);
00073                 void ProcessHotKey(WORD id);
00074         public:
00076                 static LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
00078                 Widget();
00084                 void Create(int x,int y,int w,int h,string caption,string classname,DWORD styles,HWND parent,DWORD stylesex=0);
00086                 virtual ~Widget();
00088                 HWND GetHwnd();
00090                 HINSTANCE GetHinstance();
00092                 void Show();
00094                 void Hide();
00097                 void SetText(string text);
00099                 string GetText();
00101                 void DestroyChildWindows();
00104                 void SetMenuBar(Menu* pMenu);
00106                 void RemoveMenuBar();
00110                 template<class T>
00111                 void SetOnCreateHandler(T *pProcessor,void (T::*EventCallBack)(Widget* sender))
00112                 {
00113                         if(m_pOnCreateHandler!=NULL)
00114                                 delete m_pOnCreateHandler;
00115                         m_pOnCreateHandler=new EventHandler<T>(pProcessor,EventCallBack);
00116                 };
00118                 virtual void OnCreate();
00122                 template<class T>
00123                 void SetLeftButtonDownHandler(T *pProcessor,void (T::*EventCallBack)(Widget* sender,int x,int y,DWORD buttonMask))
00124                 {
00125                         if(m_pOnLButtonDownHandler!=NULL)
00126                                 delete m_pOnLButtonDownHandler;
00127                         m_pOnLButtonDownHandler=new MouseEventHandler<T>(pProcessor,EventCallBack);
00128                 };
00132                 virtual void OnLeftButtonDown(int x,int y,DWORD buttonMask);
00136                 template<class T>
00137                 void SetRightButtonDownHandler(T *pProcessor,void (T::*EventCallBack)(Widget* sender,int x,int y,DWORD buttonMask))
00138                 {
00139                         if(m_pOnRButtonDownHandler!=NULL)
00140                                 delete m_pOnRButtonDownHandler;
00141                         m_pOnRButtonDownHandler=new MouseEventHandler<T>(pProcessor,EventCallBack);
00142                 };
00146                 virtual void OnRightButtonDown(int x,int y,DWORD buttonMask);
00150                 template<class T>
00151                 void SetOnSizeHandler(T *pProcessor,void (T::*EventCallBack)(Widget* sender))
00152                 {
00153                         if(m_pOnSizeHandler!=NULL)
00154                                 delete m_pOnSizeHandler;
00155                         m_pOnSizeHandler=new WindowSizeEventHandler<T>(pProcessor,EventCallBack);
00156                 };
00162                 virtual void OnSize(int left,int top,int right,int bottom);
00165                 void Enable(BOOL bEnable);
00167                 bool IsDestroyed();
00169                 void Destroy();
00174                 void SetHotKey(UINT fsModifiers,UINT vk,BaseEventHandler* pEventHandler);
00180                 template<class T>
00181                 void SetHotKey(UINT fsModifiers,UINT vk,T *pProcessor,void (T::*EventCallBack)(Widget* sender))
00182                 {
00183                         BaseEventHandler *pEventHandler=new EventHandler<T>(pProcessor,EventCallBack);
00184                         SetHotKey(fsModifiers, vk,pEventHandler);
00185                 };
00187                 virtual WIDGET_TYPE GetType()=0;
00189                 HWND GetParent();
00193                 void Move(int x,int y);
00197                 void Size(int w,int h);
00198         };
00199 };
00201 #endif

Generated on Thu Oct 26 13:47:45 2006 for MWidgets by  doxygen 1.4.7